
Is Dark Space Itself A Particle?

This would be one of the challenging question and disturbed our mind even we understand universe comprehensively.  # Space we look is dark “Black” where nothing seems to be happen (not for space) inside it (space) events occur and hence have ripples into space i.e. gravitational waves.  # But is this helpful for us to talk about “Inside space” instead of saying space itself is a confined ball like a disk (exactly DVD’s and CD’s Disk)?  # Something like a circular and hence has boundary but still we cannot observe objects simultaneously due to its flat surface.  # If we consider space a tiny particle and place onto the single wire where there are many spaces and when wire vibrates these spaces produce forces. Effect of these forces were not onto these spaces but what these spaces do after receiving these vibrations and convert these vibrations according to their placing onto these strings.  # But why these spaces need vibrations as we see that space wh...


# Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher and Scientist born on 384 BC.  # He consider the versatile person as his writing includes physics, metaphysics, logic, biology, zoology, ethics, poetry, aesthetics, theater, music, linguistic, politics, government and constitute the first comprehensive system of Western Philosophy.  # He received his education in Plato’s Academy at the age of seventeen.  # His contribution in physics was there is five elements fire, water, air, earth and aether (which he called a divine substance that makes up the heavenly spheres).  # In Metaphysics, he consider Metaphysics “knowledge of immaterial being” or “of being ion the highest degree of abstraction”.  # He also gave his theory on “Dreams” where sensation is involved but in an altered manner than when awake”.  # The medieval English poet Chaucer describes his student as being happy by having  at his beddes heed  Twenty bookes, clad in blak or reed,  Of aristotl...


#Stephen William Hawking is an English Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist,author and Director of the Research a the Centre for the Theoretical Cosmology (University of Cambridge).  # He born on 8 January 1942 exactly after 300 years when the Legend Physicist, Astronomer and Father of Modern Era “Galileo Galilei” was born.  # His Scientific work with Roger Penrose on Gravitational Singularity and the framework of the General Relativity.  # He often predicted that “Black Holes” emit radiations, later called “Hawking Radiation”.  # He is the member of the FRS (Fellow of Royal Society), Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at University of Cambridge (1979-2009).  # He is the author of the popular book “A Brief History of Time” one of the best selling book.  # But yet he passionate towards nature’s mystery still he is facing a problem with his health and that disease name is ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and let him to paralysed completely and even he...


# String Theory is consider to be a point like particles which are replaced by one dimensional objects.  # String Theory is generally used for description of gravity and particle physics.  # String Theory was first studied in late 1960, with the rise of a strong nuclear force.  # Fundamentally objects string theory is closed and open strings model.  # String Theory has also interaction with quantum world i.e. worldlines of point like particles or sometimes called world sheet.  # In String Theory, we are likely to talk about more than four dimensions such as length, height, width and time (which is the fourth dimension).  # In String Theory there are 11 dimensions, Superstring Theory has 10 dimensions and Bosonic String Theory there are 26 dimensions.  # String Theory is further divided into “Brane” and “Dualities”. In Brane Theory, open strings attached to a pair known as D-Branes whereas in Dualities, it is of two kind S Duality and T Duality....


# Currently gravity is based on “Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity” which is formulated with the Classical Physics.  # Quantum Gravity is generally used to describe the gravitational field and unite all forces in a single force.  # In Quantum Theory, it gives rise to a String Theory.  # String Theory however on the other side try to unify gravity with other fundamental forces such as quantum loop.  Quantum_gravity.  GUT (Grand Unified Theory)  # In above diagram, various fields have their won meaning but when come to end “Quantum Gravity” stuck the mind of everyone.  # Standard Model of Physics yet is unable to find the GUT ( Grand Unified Theory) and still facing a problem of “Gravitons” (that is 2-spin massless particles).  # In Kaluza-Klein Theory, five dimensional theory combined with the gravitation and electromagnetism as it generally appears in String Theory.  # There are many ways to define Quantum Gravity such as ‘”...


# In physical Science, particles are consider to be small localized objects which can be ascribed several physical or chemical properties such as in volume or mass..  # In a large number of particles realm we have “Statistical System” to count the particles.  # Particles are in various forms and are present everywhere such as in solid, liquid and gases. When we talk about their sizes according with others then we have quantum mechanics microscopic particles macroscopic particles and even more smaller level particles.  # There are composition of a particles known as “Composite Particles” that are made with other particles. We have elementary particles such as quarks, leptons, mesons, muons gluons and many others..  # Particles build up almost everything into the entire universe and hence in space also.  # But why existence needs particles and why there is any need of particles as these are infinite or something still beyond these particles hovering a darkne...


# Time Traveling concept first appeared in H.G.Wells Novel “Time Machine” in 1895. # In General Relativity and Special Relativity, it is possible to TRAVEL FORWARD IN TIME. # In Quantum Mechanics and Wormholes one can travel through time (i.e. medium) and known as Einstein -Rosen Bridge. # In Special and General Relativity, geometries of spacetime or motions in space allow time travel in past and in future. # In Godel Spacetime, it is  something like a closed timelike curve. # Wormholes are the other method for time traveling but still faces many problem with their “Time Dilation”, “Exotic Matter” and “Energy based problems”. # Communication system does not work due to the slower in time and hence we are facing a problem in “Quantum Teleportation”. # Time traveling concept seems to be different and hypothetical but still is in a field of Laws of nature.