# Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek Mathematician, Physicist, Astronomer, Engineer and Inventor and born on c 287 BC ( where c represents circa) # He anticipated in modern calculus, analysis to determine the infinitesimal and also prove some geometrical theorems such as area of a circle, surface area, volume of a sphere and area under parabola. # Syracuse is the birth place of Archimedes so why we called him a ” Archimedes of Syracuse”. # He was the first to measure the accurate approximation of “Pi”. # He was the master of geometry and hence solve various theorems. #Archimedes best discovery was that problem which he faced as one day when he was in his tub and taking a bath, he noticed when he got in, the level of the water rose up. Then he realized that this method could be used to determine volume of a crown ( as according to Vitrivius, King Hiero II of Syracuse who supplied a pure gold to be used and asked Archimedes to determine if it is a silver that h...