
Showing posts with the label RISE OF A QUANTUM WORLD


#Quantum World that is “Quantum Mechanics” also known as “Quantum Physics” or “Quantum Theory”.  # In Classical Physics, quantum mechanics only validated to macroscopic levels.  # But quantum mechanics differs from classical physics, according to quantum mechanics energy, momentum and restricted to other discrete values.  # Quantum mechanics rose with the rose of a Max Plancks solution for “Black Body Radiation” and Albert Einstein’s “Photoelectric Effect”. Werner Heisenberg, Max Born and Erwin Schrodinger also profoundly conceived the notable contribution in quantum mechanics.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++ # According to Planck’s equation each energy element is proportional to the frequency.  i.e. E = hv  where h is Planck’s constant and E is the energy, f is frequency. # There are various methods and process those define quantum mechanics and it also give rise to an many world interpretation (that is our universe is not alone and have one of the few in...