# Currently gravity is based on “Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity” which is formulated with the Classical Physics. # Quantum Gravity is generally used to describe the gravitational field and unite all forces in a single force. # In Quantum Theory, it gives rise to a String Theory. # String Theory however on the other side try to unify gravity with other fundamental forces such as quantum loop. Quantum_gravity. GUT (Grand Unified Theory) # In above diagram, various fields have their won meaning but when come to end “Quantum Gravity” stuck the mind of everyone. # Standard Model of Physics yet is unable to find the GUT ( Grand Unified Theory) and still facing a problem of “Gravitons” (that is 2-spin massless particles). # In Kaluza-Klein Theory, five dimensional theory combined with the gravitation and electromagnetism as it generally appears in String Theory. # There are many ways to define Quantum Gravity such as ‘”...