# God is a creator of Universe we all know. # But what exactly God is? Please be sure you are thinking or saying this question without emotionally, love, affection, truth, lie, bad, evil and whatsoever we combine this with religious point of view. # God according to us is omnipresent as He is everywhere without having any verges and exists in every tiny particles without lifting any heavy burden on Himself ? # When our thoughts become parochial we think God is infinite and is everywhere as His mechanics is too far away from us where humans cannot reach there even He creates such a elegant and intelligent beings. # Thoughts become too weird when we think why space is black instead of having any other shimmering color. Is there something art behind it (space) or has scientific reason behind it (space)? # But when we thought about God’s realm, we become aware and think God created this dark space so as to paints something onto meaningless board. But who creates ...