Chapter-XXXVIII In this chapter-XXXVIII, Travis Kel inspires and salutes Scarlett.J bravery and his passion towards this mission. Travis Kel: I know you are a brilliant mathematician and has some knowledge about cosmic events. So, why Prof. Mores select you for this mission. Scarlett.J: Thanks and I promise, I will do my best. Prof.Mores:We face many obstacles but never let down your heads. Travis Kel: You are saying like a Chief Kenin, Prof. Mores. However, are you ready for this mission. Prof.Mores: Scarlett.J, you are a champion person and I know you will will me and everyone in this mission. Scarlett.J: I will do this, Prof Mores even I have to face every obstacles. Travis Kel: So, be ready Scarlett.J for mission and be like a contender. Scarlett.J: What happens Travis? Travis Kel: Nothing. So, Prof.Mores we may go now. Scarlett.J, this mission starts from tomorrow. Prof. Mores: Yes, Travis. Scarlett.J. We may go now. So...