Beginning Within Infinity

Sometimes posts are unable us to picture the exact meaning of sentences that we mention into it because sometimes we rely on inference and sometimes we are based on cognition, experience and some other general facts. When we discuss about history we are literally able to give our views on it and when we talk about technology we become more and more aware to look what will come next may be the fabulous kind of technology we will see in coming years. # But when we talk about space “Dark Space” our dreams, cognition, experiences, inferences, our true doctrine about space become shattered. We even do not want to think what exactly space is and why it exists? Somewhere we shattered our dreams without left our incredible technology. # Reasons are many but solution is one. We are still facing lots of problems related to space. When we think what exactly it is we become more philosophical and say that it never exist because it cannot be achieved with some glorious stars onto our...