
Showing posts with the label UNIMAGINABLE WORLD (CH-XXXXXX)


Everyone preparing for mission and now something will be new in history. Everyone preparing for mission.  Chief Kenin: So, be ready for this mission. We are not here only for experiment what exactly universe is but for saving the life of planet earth and hence its creative beings.  Prof.Mores: You are right, Kenin.  Scarlett.J enters into this base. Hello everyone.  Prof.Mores: Hello, Scarlett. So, ready for this mission.  Scarlett.J: Always be ready.  Kenin Banique: Great. Then Travis and you come with me. Prof. Mores you also.  Prof.Mores: But where, Kenin?  Kenin Banique: I think you forget this mission, into the spacecraft, Prof.Mores.  Prof.Mores: Yes, Kenin. Let's go.  Now there will be the beginning of a new era without disturbing the nature's core. (Continue in Chapter-XXXXXXI)