Scarlett.J: Is this technology benefit us to restrict this thing? As your equation is not applicable. Prof. Mores: This technology assists us definitely but we have to create something different and new, Scarlett.J. Travis Kel: But this kind of technology is difficult for us to attain, I am not saying we cannot achieve this but is uncertain for us. Prof. Mores: We are close to this technology, only need is to be curious about this. There will be many obstacles in this path but we never give up never. Travis Kel: Yes, you are right, Prof. Mores. Scarlett.J: Destination is more complicated than reality. Travis Kel: And where one cannot find oneself in an uncertain ocean. Prof.Mores: I think we have become more philosophical. So, let's come to this mission. I have generated that kind of particles which I named "Space Particles". These particles are more consciousness and contain very smaller quantum information. Scarlett.J: But these par...