The advanced mechanism of spacecraft. Everyone silent into the spacecraft and they hold up their nerves for few minutes and spacecraft flies with some expectations and has little hope for humanity. Prof.Mores: I do not believe, I am in the worlds best spacecraft. Kenin Banique: You are right and we are going for something different task, Prof.Mores. Prof.Mores: This would be the one of my best journey in my entire life. Kenin Banique: So, enjoy but remember we are here for some purpose, Prof.Mores. Porf.Mores: Yes, I know, Kenin. Scaelett.J: This spacecraft is an excerpt of advanced mechanism. Travis Kel: Yes, this spacecraft is very close to Cheif Kenin. Scarlett.J: Why? Travis Kel: Because this spacecraft was made by Chief Kenin's father. Scarlett.J: Oh! fantastic, Travis. This spacecraft manifests the dedication and hard work of Kenin's father. Travis Kel: Yes, Chief Kenin's father was a grea...