# String Theory is consider to be a point like particles which are replaced by one dimensional objects. 

# String Theory is generally used for description of gravity and particle physics. 

# String Theory was first studied in late 1960, with the rise of a strong nuclear force. 

# Fundamentally objects string theory is closed and open strings model. 

# String Theory has also interaction with quantum world i.e. worldlines of point like particles or sometimes called world sheet. 

# In String Theory, we are likely to talk about more than four dimensions such as length, height, width and time (which is the fourth dimension). 

# In String Theory there are 11 dimensions, Superstring Theory has 10 dimensions and Bosonic String Theory there are 26 dimensions. 

# String Theory is further divided into “Brane” and “Dualities”. In Brane Theory, open strings attached to a pair known as D-Branes whereas in Dualities, it is of two kind S Duality and T Duality. 

# Matrix Theory also provide some useful contribution to the string theory as in physics, matrix model gives us the behavior of set of matrices within the framework of quantum mechanics. 

# There are various assumptions for string theory such as Mirror Symmetry, Calabi-Yau Manifold, Bekeinstein- Hawking formula, Quantum Gravity, Anti-de Sitter Space and many other methods for assuming the one of the most challenging concept in nature. 

# Reality is what one wants to understand but still criticizes himself / herself not because reality of ultimate nature is hidden but exists everywhere to create uncertainty.


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