Chapter-XXIII In this chapter-XXIII, Chief Kenin shows his father's greatest discovery that alters the human's history. Kenin Banique: I know you both gentlemen eager to see this. Prof. Mores: Yes, Kenin. We both want to see this. Kenin Banique removes the side walls with the help of a sensor remote and what they both see is a entire universe that seems to engulf everything but there are some regions where ray of hope is still illuminates. Prof. Mores: Where we are Kenin, are we in a universe? Travis Kel: I do not believe, its like a dream for me. Kenin Banique: This is one of my greatest research Prof. Mores. I spent day and night for this. Travis Kel: But Chief Kenin, How you builds this laboratory and seriously I think this is an illusion? Prof. Mores: No, Travis. We travel through "wormhole" that kind of wormhole where negative energies annihilates our body's particles and we are here with our sub-image. Kenin Banique: You are...