Little hope on dark canvas. Prof.Mores: We cross the limits of earth, great. Kenin Banique: Limits, what kind of limits you are talking about, Prof.Mores? Prof.Mores: Atmospheric Levels, Kenin. Kenin Banique: Yes, you are right. Now we are in space. Prof.Mores: Yes. Everything is silent in space as there is nothing into it. Kenin Banique: Something like a nothing, Prof.Mores. Prof.Mores: But nothing manifests its uniformity where everything happen without any hindrance and where nature becomes one with self. Kenin Banique: I think you are Philosopher too, Prof. Mores. Prof.Mores: Thanks, Kenin. But no so good in Philosophy. Kenin Banique: I think we have to use your technology so as to travel faster without consuming our laser technology. Prof.Mores: Of course, we have to do this immediately because speed of that thing is so fast and that travels faster than us. Kenin Banique: So, be ready, Prof.Mores. Prof.M...