Chapter-XXXXI In this chapter-XXXXI, Prof Mores tells something weird concept and seems to be a difficult task. Next day has began with some little hope for Chief Kenin, Prof. Mores and Travis Kel as Prof.Mores stays with Chief Kenin and Travis Kel. Prof. Mores: I think the night was very elegant for me because from today we are going to research on this mission, Travis. Travis Kel: Yes, this would be the best opportunity for us to understand nature as well as protect the planet earth. Chief Kenin: So, good morning to you both and where is that girl? Travis Kel: Some of our secret personal members have gone to receive her. Kenin Banique: Good, Travis. So, we have to wait for this girl. Travis Kel: Yes, Chief Kenin. Prof. Mores: So, I think we have to restrict that thing with some different kind of technology. Travis Kel: May be laser technology, Prof. Mores. Prof. Mores: No, even this technology cannot assist us. May be that ...