Is Dark Space Itself A Particle?

This would be one of the challenging question and disturbed our mind even we understand universe comprehensively. # Space we look is dark “Black” where nothing seems to be happen (not for space) inside it (space) events occur and hence have ripples into space i.e. gravitational waves. # But is this helpful for us to talk about “Inside space” instead of saying space itself is a confined ball like a disk (exactly DVD’s and CD’s Disk)? # Something like a circular and hence has boundary but still we cannot observe objects simultaneously due to its flat surface. # If we consider space a tiny particle and place onto the single wire where there are many spaces and when wire vibrates these spaces produce forces. Effect of these forces were not onto these spaces but what these spaces do after receiving these vibrations and convert these vibrations according to their placing onto these strings. # But why these spaces need vibrations as we see that space wh...