Is Relativity Solve The Mystery of Dark Space?

# General and Special Relativity are one of the building blocks in Physics. # Albert Einstein described these two strong concepts in physics as well as in nature. # He relate space with time and consider a unique entity i.e. one. # According to him, curvature of space time bends and is the real factor behind the gravity’s concept as said by Sir Issac Newton (why objects fall onto the surface of earth). # He also worked on “Theory on Everything” but at that time he was not best with his health and never complete this problem. # But is relativity is sufficient source for conscious beings to understand dark space and hence has able to understand why space is relative with matter instead of the concept “Itself”? # Is gravity a part of dark space where everything seems like a crunchy matter and what the matter did to unfold its geometry? # Is relativity define how space does not exist as it quantum mechanically conflict with general relativity a...