#Stephen William Hawking is an English Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist,author and Director of the Research a the Centre for the Theoretical Cosmology (University of Cambridge). # He born on 8 January 1942 exactly after 300 years when the Legend Physicist, Astronomer and Father of Modern Era “Galileo Galilei” was born. # His Scientific work with Roger Penrose on Gravitational Singularity and the framework of the General Relativity. # He often predicted that “Black Holes” emit radiations, later called “Hawking Radiation”. # He is the member of the FRS (Fellow of Royal Society), Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at University of Cambridge (1979-2009). # He is the author of the popular book “A Brief History of Time” one of the best selling book. # But yet he passionate towards nature’s mystery still he is facing a problem with his health and that disease name is ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and let him to paralysed completely and even he...