# Time Traveling concept first appeared in H.G.Wells Novel “Time Machine” in 1895.
# In General Relativity and Special Relativity, it is possible to TRAVEL FORWARD IN TIME.
# In Quantum Mechanics and Wormholes one can travel through time (i.e. medium) and known as Einstein -Rosen Bridge.
# In Special and General Relativity, geometries of spacetime or motions in space allow time travel in past and in future.
# In Godel Spacetime, it is  something like a closed timelike curve.
# Wormholes are the other method for time traveling but still faces many problem with their “Time Dilation”, “Exotic Matter” and “Energy based problems”.
# Communication system does not work due to the slower in time and hence we are facing a problem in “Quantum Teleportation”.
# Time traveling concept seems to be different and hypothetical but still is in a field of Laws of nature.


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