Cosmology (A Weird Mystery)

You all want to know and think why cosmology is indispensable and why it’s existence is necessary? Some questions remain static and some flow like a shimmering tail of river. But, here some thoughts become curious and some passionate such are existence, cause, effect, consciousness, mind, reality, perception and some other well defined terms. However, when mind becomes static it remains in world of non-uniformity. We have few questions that manifest why and how cosmology is a basic need (yet to be not explicitly clear, but we are trying) Such excerpts are given below: Why cosmology is indispensable? Why existence is necessary? Why time’s existence is necessary inside weird existence? Does time create absurd field? These questions are open for everyone, but in a busy life where we have not so much time to spend on these mind boggling questions. But, if we ask to ourself then we become literally aware. Thanks! Image Source: Pinterest https://sunnyspace2.blogspot.i...