Prof. Mores: Welcome, Scarlett.J. Kenin this is Scarlett.J. Scarlett.J: Nice to meet you, sir. Kenin Banique: Me also and thanks. Travis Kel: So, hows your day Scarlett till now? Scarlett.J: Fine and yours, Travis? Travis Kel: Also fine. Kenin Banique: So, Scarlett.J. You are here for some different kind of task. As Prof. Mores and Travis said you yesterday. Scarlett.J: Yes, I know and I am ready for this mission. Kenin Banique: Thats brilliant and I am expecting soemthing different from you, Scarlett.J. However, today is our training session for discussing and planning the entire mission. First tell me one thing Scarlett.J you tell all this with your parents. Scarlett.J: No, not yet. Kenin Banique: But why, you have to told everything to your parents because this mission is not for playing something like a pebbles onto the sea shore but is a critical and vital mission for entire world. Scarlett.J: ...