

Why gluons are so indispensable for quarks and why fundamentally these particles exists have been described in this chapter-III. This chapter is entirely revolving around some spinning and fundamental movements of “elementary particles” and in what way these particles behave?  However, in protons we have a spinning of quarks but those are virtual and hence have existence of gluons, where there is upper quark, down quark strange quark and hence has a anti quarks on each i.e. anti down quark that is two anti down quark, anti upper quark that is two anti upper quark and anti strange quark that is two anti strange quark. Something like a “virtual particles” in space (will discussed later. The factor that causes is “gluons” some kind of glue that connected all these quarks into the protons and hence stabilize it (proton).  But still one question arises why proton needs quarks and why quarks need gluon? One reason is this kind of mechanism stabilizes the internal that is smaller


In this chapter-XXXXIX, Prof.Mores has a profound discussion on "space particles" with Scarlett.J and Travis Kel.  Prof. Mores: No, Scarlett.J. I want to squeeze the entire space with my one equation.  Scarlett.J: But how could this possible as we are uncertain even to attain its verges?  Prof.Mores: This could be possible if we create some smaller regions into space and find the exact location of space minimum probability from where one can cross through its barrier.  Scarlett.J: This seems to be difficult task, Prof. Mores.  Prof.Mores: Task is difficult but not impossible as we can do this.  Travis Kel: It is just like a shattered space where one has to open its hidden doors, Prof. Mores.  Prof. Mores: Yes, something like that, Travis. But I know this can be solved with this technology where I use "space particles".  Travis Kel: Your first equation is totally based on smaller regions of space where it is easy for one to apply on how space behaves?  Prof.Mo




In this chapter, I discuss some key factors regarding to elementary particles and are these particles fundamentally split? In previous chapter-I, I discussed about some aspects of elementary particles that build up a “Standard Model of Physics”. Where there are many uncertain particles with their electric charges and also with their spinning. But when we think about nucleus where neutron and proton reside and outside this electron sacrifices its life then, Is proton non-fundamental? No, proton still contains (two upper quarks and one down quark) and also for neutron it contains (two down quarks and one upper quark) But why these two kind of quarks still existing into neutron and proton?    The reason is these quarks are bounded with force name “gluons” this assist these quarks to remain inside the neutron and proton but still these quarks are uncertain as there are different kinds of spinning existing into neutron and proton.  Gluon is something like a gravitation field for t


In this chapter-XXXXVIII, Prof. Mores unsolved equation co-joined with some uncertainties into space.  Scarlett.J: But is this possible for us to create such kind of region into space?  Prof. Mores: Yes, this is possible and this can be done with my "space particles" technology where I emphasis on some uncertain kind of particles in space as space itself.  Scarlett.J: Space itself means, I am not understanding what you are saying, Prof.Mores?  Prof. Mores: I use space for this mission if we are unable to restrict this thing.  Scarlett.J: But how, Prof.Mores?  Prof.Mores: My technology will assist us to compress the entire space into its own defined field and then what we observe is a imagination for us but is real.  Scarlett.J: Is this violate the conservation of energy, Prof. Mores?  Travis Kel replies, "Yes why not, Scarlett.J?"  Scarlett.J: Then how we apply your equations on this uncertain space?  Prof.Mores: This is possible for us to apply this equation




This chapter is based on the” quantum entanglement” between particles as this kind of entanglement is always uncertain as one has to understand the actual meaning and fundamental law behind atoms as yet these atoms are still fundamentally bifurcated. In other means, one can think beyond the atom’s life as one split it (atom). We all know we have “Fermions” and “Leptons” series where we can fundamentally achieve ourselves. As in Fermions we have the electron and in Leptons we have the baryon then hadrons, then mesons and the protons, neutrons and further we move forward we have atoms then molecules, then after we have cells and finally we conscious beings are.  In baryons we have two kinds of colors one is green and anti green whereas in baryons we have green, red and blue but in anti baryons we have anti red, anti green and anti blue. And in lepton’s case we have muon, tau and electron and their anti particles are muon neutrino, electron neutrino and tau neutrino because every p