In this chapter-XXXXVIII, Prof. Mores unsolved equation co-joined with some uncertainties into space. 

Scarlett.J: But is this possible for us to create such kind of region into space? 

Prof. Mores: Yes, this is possible and this can be done with my "space particles" technology where I emphasis on some uncertain kind of particles in space as space itself. 

Scarlett.J: Space itself means, I am not understanding what you are saying, Prof.Mores? 

Prof. Mores: I use space for this mission if we are unable to restrict this thing. 

Scarlett.J: But how, Prof.Mores? 

Prof.Mores: My technology will assist us to compress the entire space into its own defined field and then what we observe is a imagination for us but is real. 

Scarlett.J: Is this violate the conservation of energy, Prof. Mores? 

Travis Kel replies, "Yes why not, Scarlett.J?" 

Scarlett.J: Then how we apply your equations on this uncertain space? 

Prof.Mores: This is possible for us to apply this equation on uncertain space but only need is to define the actual definition of darkness whether this is philosophically or pragmatically. But we have to solve this riddle.
(Continue in Chapter-XXXXIX)


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