
In this chapter-XXXXI, Prof Mores tells something weird concept and seems to be a difficult task.

Next day has began with some little hope for Chief Kenin, Prof. Mores and Travis Kel as Prof.Mores stays with Chief Kenin and Travis Kel. 

Prof. Mores: I think the night was very elegant for me because from today we are going to research on this mission, Travis. 

Travis Kel: Yes, this would be the best opportunity for us to understand nature as well as protect the planet earth. 

Chief Kenin: So, good morning to you both and where is that girl? 

Travis Kel: Some of our secret personal members have gone to receive her. 

Kenin Banique: Good, Travis. So, we have to wait for this girl. 

Travis Kel: Yes, Chief Kenin. 

Prof. Mores: So, I think we have to restrict that thing with some different kind of technology. 

Travis Kel: May be laser technology, Prof. Mores. 

Prof. Mores: No, even this technology cannot assist us. May be that thing contains every part of nature's harmony and its mystic powers. 

Kenin Banique: So, is there another method, Prof. Mores? 

Prof.Mores: Yes, Kenin but this one will be the difficult for us. 

Kenin Banique: What is that thing? 

Prof. Mores: That kind of technology is called "Compression of confined particles" which means one can squeeze entire space into single and small point where one can change space particles with its own choice and without any harm to the universe and conscious beings. 

Kenin Banique: What are you saying, Prof. Mores and how could this possible? 

Travis Kel: This seems like a story line of si-fi movie. 

Prof. Mores: This could be possible but someone takes this step bravely and this could help us to demolish that thing. 

Suddenly, Scarlett.J enters into the room. 


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