# Archimedes of Syracuse was a Greek Mathematician, Physicist, Astronomer, Engineer and Inventor and born on c 287 BC ( where c represents circa)
# He anticipated in modern calculus, analysis to determine the infinitesimal and also prove some geometrical theorems such as area of a circle, surface area, volume of a sphere and area under parabola.
# Syracuse is the birth place of Archimedes so why we called him a ” Archimedes of Syracuse”.
# He was the first to measure the accurate approximation of “Pi”.
# He was the master of geometry and hence solve various theorems.
#Archimedes best discovery was that problem which he faced as one day when he was in his tub and taking a bath, he noticed when he got in, the level of the water rose up. Then he realized that this method could be used to determine volume of a crown  ( as according to Vitrivius, King Hiero II of Syracuse who supplied a pure gold  to be used and asked Archimedes to determine if it is a silver that had been substituted for honest).
# This law was / is also known as “Hydrostatics” or “Archimede’s Principle”.
# He was / is known for his mirror reflecting “Heat Ray” as he used this method for  Roman ships so as to burn their ships.
#\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }4^{-n}=1+4^{-1}+4^{-2}+4^{-3}+\cdots ={4 \over 3}.\;
The “Quadratic Equation of Parabola” where area is enclosed by parabola and the straight line is 4/3. times the area of the corresponding inscribed triangle.
The area of a parabola  segment in the upper figure is equal to 4/3 and the inscribed triangle is below.
The area of a parabola segment in the upper figure is equal to 4/3 and the inscribed triangle is below.
# On “Field Medal” (which is a honor for Mathematicians to receive this medal), Archimedes portrait carries on it.
# He was / is consider to be the one of the greatest and legend scientist of all time.


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