Quantum Technology:0369

Sometimes, we become our own creators and some pervert yourself especially in the field of technology. Yes, it is a sturdy revolution in today’s world where found ourselves inside meek snowball. We all speculate the radical conception of nano technology, old technology and ancient technology. But somewhere, we are unable to evolve our thoughts, so as to become a pattern for us in near future. We are diametrically opposed the views of quantum technology and ancient technology. Whether you reconcile the concept of quantum technology with ancient technology or just wait for its long term gasp.
Our mental stability wants to acquire the philosophy of quantum technology and this might definitely be a part of our own thoughts. Though, we also need some pragmatic solution of quantum technology. However, we are in a era of quantum technology where we explore many unpredictable things whether in a field of science, medical, astronomy, space, education, engineering, cosmology and others. Quantum technology becomes a part in various useful stuff and we need its presence without being dubious. So, when we are talking about the implications of quantum technology then “What is Quantum Technology?”. Is this a beneficial for us or just a hoax? Perhaps, a device with quantum stimulate or a perception of known things, really ubiquitous in material world. The legitimate our physical body never grant us a definite proposition and we found ourselves in a phenomenal world. Disparity between ancient technology and nano technology give rise to quantum technology. And further, we have another diversity of quantum technology and found in our universe (A Giant Quantum Information).
However, if we say what actually is quantum technology we have a little but a secure thought and that is the difference between our old technologies. This concept leads us to the point of “information of quantum universe”, will underneath the quiet subject of “Cosmogony”. In Cosmogony, we study the origin of the universe, a well accommodated universe with certain and uncertain laws. Well, when we are in a cosmogony we have to be wary about the existence lf the universe and hence a quantum reality behind its existence. As we know, we had a “Big Bang” and then we still know our universe as a river flows. At least it explicit our thoughts but not, we want to understand. Universe itself is quantum entangled information, doesn’t need any second theory for its long term journey. The cause of existence merely depends on quantum information of time and time always remain same everywhere as it seems there are lot of information inside universe and what we say universe itself is quantum information.
Since from the existence of universe, we are able to understand its inflation and this inflation is directly proportional to the information that resides inside every single particle of universe. Quantum information seems as we have well structured design of universe that had been designed in such a way where we detect its cause of inflation. We can’t say we have quantum era or quantum applications because universe itself is quantum information and suffuses itself with well defined language of space. That language is in code something like computer programming. But “who is the programmer still an enigma? ” Even particles are responsible for some weirder part of universe and hence space. We have geometrical as well as quantum particles that creates a big difference between cause and existence of universe. Every single particles have little quantum information as we can say particles are “quantum carriers”.
Quantum Carriers are nevertheless a part of space and space even is a “self-procreation”, perhaps this term is not understandable here because of recent technologies in science, but still we are confident to ensure our place in entire universe is like a existence of universe in weird space at least for some little cause.
Universe is like an art where artist knows the colors to nourish its elegance. Once said by Sir Nikola Tesla, “369 these numbers are the building block of universe and if we go profoundly inside these numbers we will find a door to weird universe”. However, I mention “0369” because of the cause behind “Oscillating Universe” that might repeat itself on regular basis,whatsoever.
When talk on “Oscillating Universe” we have oscillating i.e. repetition of quantum information that leads a way to quantum oscillating universe. Infinity even struggles for its existence if it never reaches its certain well defined state.
Image Source: Google Images 


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