Parallelism: (Artificial Mind Or Natural Mind)

In today’s world, our thoughts become so candid for us to think whatever we want to think and there is no bounded limitations that trap us in a small corner, full of mystic darkness. In materialism, we are becoming our own foe. Somewhere, we criticize our technology for this and think this what would happen is not the real destiny for our future generation but are a curse that made by us (a present generation). Although, sometimes, material world exasperate us and sometimes we ourselves become our rivalries especially in case of mind where we scold mind for its (mind-body problem), a way to have emotions, feelings, joy, happiness, thoughts, pain and many other material things.
In this article, I am discussing about parallelism about mind which means, mind really needs artificial or material parallelism. First, we have to wary about the world of immortality that never ends (sounds like we are our self creator). Immortality never define itself, it expands without alarming others because we need immortality not immortality needs us. Why I discuss this short essence and what is the motive behind this essence? Immortality connects with some of our basic aspects of mind as thoughts inside our mind are always well defined as there is no need to be self-centered because mind is well defined object that perceive things and then implement on these things, no matters how many tasks you have, mind do it explicitly. But, when in case of imagination we have a little immortality that makes us alive in a world of darknessand it (imagination) assists us to flow everywhere even in a flock of weird stars.
(Note: Here immortality does not mean, one never dies but this is a definition related to our mind’s limits)
Well, this kind of immortality is vary according to some mathematical laws ( at least for some laws that binds our own universe). But, how is this possible mathematical laws vary according to immortality and vice-versa? You can find this surreal reason in our profound mystery of space time. We know space time is interrelated with each other and there is nothing that argue, space time is independent concept rather than dependent. As you observe here, space time is a mathematical proposition where everything reside even time flows according to space and space has its right path according to time. But, here space time is a unique or say a singular perception for us because beyond this we know something exists but what, we don’t know. However, this perception leads us on the path of immortality where we think whether we know, we don’t have sufficient experiments or proof about existence of something beyond space but we imagine according to immortality that already defined according to space or something that exists beyond space and this all happens with the help of mind. If so, will happen in near future.  
(Note: Everything in this entire space or in universe is well defined)
Above statement manifests, how mind and space is different concept but work exactly like time and space, nevertheless, a transformation of information and quantum medium. Here an excerpt, “What you think, you become”, this is the common perception by various Philosophers, Saints, Peoples and many of us also believe on this perception.
But, what exactly this perception / statement tries to describe is our basic understanding about space time and our own destination we build, whatsoever, we have in our life-like material things and some material happiness but still we feel, we are not secure because our mind have never this kind of information at that time, perhaps as your fortunate is responsible for this or your charming stars depends on your material environment. Parallelism, however, defines how one is dependent on space time with respect to your mind as there is no time for us (and some of us still believe time never exists) but for space it a medium not its buddy-tail.
This all is parallelism that shatters our mind somewhere, but somewhere it cherished our world with some little joy and fruitful journey of life that never ever ends.


Image Source: Google Images 


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