Black Holes: A Meek Pi

A black holes, merely we need to adhere its meek realm where one never wants to be there, nonetheless one can be there if listening its sound.
We are not sure, why this kind of entity available in our universe? Is this a void? Or our traped illusion? For instance, we believe this is quite a parallelism and way to another universe, if so, otherwise we are not sure why does its existence become a nightmare for us? Well, black holes are similar like a dark spots on a black paper that doesn’t effect the surface of paper, yet is dubious why these spots are visible even in absurd darkness?
However, since from our beginning of the universe, we live in a world of uncertainty and what we called probability. If we want to understand life, we become suspicious about our own life and never believe on our mind and make mistake simultaneously. Similarly, we are uncertain in case of black holes as they are too uncertain and compel us to think “Can we consider it to be a different entity rather than consider to be one along with universe? ”
Yes, it seems this is like a blunder for our mind as we make mistake again. Whether this statement is correct or wrong depends on its conclusion rather than premise. When we talk about space, our intention towards it become explicit and we want to be pragmatic at least in some cases of blacl hole’s existence. Black holes are not actually black, a dumb statement but has a potency to rejuvenate our thoughts. Why, I am saying like this? Is there anything beyond black holes? Or black holes itself are time traveling portal?
We know, what we see and observe is an illusion (not confused with Indian or Western Philosophy concept “Maya” translated as “Illusion”) with respect to multi-dimensional vibrating quantum loops that creates quantum strings and then again creates “Fluid-Type Medium” that is responsible for dimensions to be like this (what we called “Topology”). Here, topology is not only the way to understand dimensions in a candid way, so as to define it without any obsatcle but is a transformation of quantum strings to move not in a “darkness” but in a flow of fluid that appears for shorter duration. That “Fluid” then re-creates quantum mediums so as to allow the particles to move everywhere like a coordinate behavior of each particles, so as to find their position and direction. Thia “Fluid” appears with the help of higher and lower stable of particles, because they are the basic building block of universe and space then these particles show minimum stability and after some time, they disappear and what we have next “vacuum false state of space”. They are not stable (particles). But this theory what we called it a “Vacuum False Theory” is still in doubt as we are not sure if these particles are not stable then “How could we get an elegant consequence from it (i.e. our own universe)? Question arises, Does our universe needs some stabilize particles to define itself and suddenly gave a birth to mysterious black holes?
Currently, we are unaware of this and not wary such kind of questions because we need experiments and when we endeavor to experiment on black holes, then we become hapless as we have never been there in its hard falsehood. They are something like calculation of Pi, whenever, we want to learn its linguistic proposition we become too uncertain about it, a meek silence and yes, is a darkness because somewhere these black holes are not a part of renaissance but a definition of approximation of value of pi. Black holes are not a turmoil but they are renowned for their incredible existence in space and still approaching for meek silence of pi.
Why value of pi? It’s something interrelated concept, as in each and every concept of approximate value of numbers in pi we have numbers without repitition and what we say “Irrational”. This is something similar like existence of black holes and where black holes are responsible generating “Infinite Series of Numbers”. Although, we can’t consider black holes are just barely a void as somewhere in conglomerate, we find little black holes (mass less than our own star “sun”) a “primordial” black holes depend on mass of the remaining dead stars (Less heavier than our own sun) . But, still we are not sure why stars made such kind of holes that never consider a different entity in space time.
Space time, however is like a “pi” similar like irrational that never repeats its existence, once die never repeat its existence. It’s just similar like calories, where we need to burn our calories every day and this need is beneficial for us because if we depend on repeatition then we are not in our true world. Black holes depend on two entities “gravity” and “light” even “gravitational lensing” is the best and possible way to detect “Black holes”.
But why does “Gravity” responsible for black holes to exist? Gravity is still in a books of chaos and we are struggling for their property to find in a candid way. Gravity’s reflection dwells in “Gravitons” and gravitons are a cause that pressurize the external surface of gravity’s particle. Then, what about light? Light becomes trauma for gravity as some particles flee without alarming gravity to work with light’s particles.
Question here is “Are black holes completely depend on gravity or light? ” Still a chaos for us but our current theories are struggling even more as they coincide with concept like “Singularity’. “A cause from where big bang occured or a cause where black holes exist.” Researchers are endeavoring their best to solve an enigma of existence of black holes but they only find the presence of black holes with the help of “GL” (Gravitational Lensing).
When we coincide gravitational waves with such giant black holes, we have new conspiracy as in case of gravitational waves, we have a ripples factor and in case of black holes they are strong enough to engulf light then gravity here becomes so strong to engulf light and balanced their diet. Then what about waves (especially ripples that produced by the two heavy objects in space like neutron stars)? Are these waves produced ripples with the help of strong gravitational effect or what we observe a strong gravitational field is not a gravitation but a geometry of space that intrinsically behave without defining gravity or light?
Currently, we are not in our golden era where we explicitly understand the chronolgy of black holes. But, if we want to understand these kind of entities in space time, first we have to be more pragmatic rather than theoretical so as to confined our own limitation of mind.
Inage Source: Pinterest


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