Mind: A Time Traveler

It’s all about the work of mind that allows us to travel everywhere with the help of imagination and what we want to observe. Literally, mind is a traveler in this weird darkness and nevertheless a point that always travel silently. Here, mind is everything including a way to darkness (i.e. space). But, our questioning compel us to think the behavior of mind even after death or in suspended position. Let us have a little glimpse on it.
Mind, a creation and destruction at the same time and also a time traveler. Why, I am saying like this, is there any reason for it? Yes, there is. Mind is a proposition that enters everywhere even in darkness and no matter how it behaves there. For instance, we know when we have an idea or any thought in our mind then what we do. Simple, first think on that idea or thought and work / implement on it (whatever we have an idea or thought). This seems, we understand mind easily and hence there is no further research on it. But this is not as we are still have a confusion in our mind and that lies inside our mind. Assume here, if you think anything and you are unable to get that thought or idea then what will you do? First, will give a little time for your mind and then think. But, isn’t it a compelling way to find your thoughts from your mind as mind is struggling to give you a better idea (what you want)? Yes, but this is not for the case of mind and steer us to the mysterious neurons where information is an elixir. 
However, when we talk about neurons we have already a defined thought as billions or trillions of information reside in billions or trillions of neurons. This seems a weird concept but this is. Neurons are like an infinite waves that vibrates without disturbing mind’s perception, when disturb mind become unstable. But, is mind meditate? 
First, mind is a part of nature and nature is not describe in a candid way as it has a lots of powers but whether we say it is fortunate or unfortunate, nature gives us a limited perception inside our mind and that is directly interrelated with neurons. If nature has given us an unlimited perception then we are the last “God” in this weird darkness, that seems to be difficult. Yes, this is true, in past few years we are at the verge of incredible technology and that makes us to think we are our self-god. But, for us nature still perplex our thoughts and experiments and there is nothing that conquer its realm.
The above discussion is only about mind’s theoretical way to define perception, but now I assure you these few lines that I mention next will bewilder your mind. To be honest, what makes mind a mind and what makes mind a realm of thoughts? Is mind is a time traveler or is a well-defined quantum information that already have its prescribed definitions? Are thoughts make any physical body after death? Are dreams a way to alive you in material world? These questions are enigmatic and hence there is nothing that demolish the false or true perception of mind. But, as mind behaves this is something like to travel just like imagination and it doesn’t need any medium to travel because it has its way to travel and that is “imagination”. After death, all hopes become shatter but thoughts still travel whether in a form of elegant dream or in a form of dreadful past.
Image Source: Google Images 


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