Is Mind A Self Perception?

Sometimes perception of mind becomes bewilder for us to understand it explicitly. Somewhere, it is undefined and somewhere it is transcends its realm without imagining the self. We can say self is void and void is self, not equivalent so far, but still a perception of our mind.  However, mind is a way to different worlds and dimensions and is a best perception for understanding space,whatsoever. 
Nevertheless, mind is a quantum information and a programming that runs according to some laws, well defined and creative. But, when we stare on the mind’s perplex composition that builds almost its geometry then we feel, something is like an enigma. A mysterious mind but yet we are unable to solve its existence. As in past, some philosophers argued, is mind has its own opinions or thoughts, in a candid way, “Does mind thinks?” Yes, this going to be a drastic condition where we compel ourselves in a chaos situation. 
For perspective to mind, it is something that have information. Yes, one can sat well defined information and beyond this we have imaginary thoughts. As we know our percentage to utilize the potential of mind is 2-4 % only and some rare conditions are further move this surreal analysis. Then, we can expect how and why our mind behave uncertainly as we never expect from it like fear, emotions, pain, thoughts, envisaging and many other things. But, here we have to be wary about imagination as this is not a part of mind because this is not well defined. 
Although, some conditions are worthy for self-perception of mind and what we call it a “Self Procreation” literally a short essence on “Self” but somewhere assist us to understand what is”Self”?  For self, we have self-existence and we consider everything including space time to be existed in self and it’s birth from self (something like beings and non-beings concept, will discuss in upcoming chapters). Self never dies, self never creates then what exactly self is, if we are eager to know how mind and self are interrelated? Some of these questions left us in a surreal world where such questions perplex our minds, what exists life after death?
Well, this is a self-procreation concept, where our mind is reproduced every time just like a black holes are eager to eat the cosmos food. Thoughts in mind always looking for something new and this “New” better to say “Self ” is always self and if we proceed to next step again we will get self and this process will go on as similar like concept of multiverse or space. Then we have new self or old self, not sure but yes, we have “self” that determines object as a physical entity and beings as a material beings at least for our law’s atmosphere. This process is weird until being solve, similar like concept of time.
Image Source: Google Images 


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