Quantum Suicide

Quantum Infinity, may be this term bewilders your mind but you are right this concept will definitely perplex your mind. “Quantum Infinity” increases the probabilities and hence opens those ways that are still in a chaos world.  “Quantum Infinity” associates with the “Quantum Suicide” and also perform it’s task like a “Quantum Suicide Thought Experiment”. Rather than rely on “Quantum Suicide”, we have to be more curious about “Quantum Infinity”. Here, concepts are same but tasks are different. Let’s see how?
“Quantum Infinity” is a process of “Self Infinite Identical Images” and further it moves towards “Quantum Space” (here quantum space is a transformation of quantized particles that are associated with their particular fields, will discuss in next post).  “Quantum Infinity” is a transformation of quantized particles and then it associates with “Identical Images of Space” just like a photographs, when we take a photo of someone in a discrete manner and click the button of camera several times (here person remains same) then he / she have numerous images when collected by the person from photographer. Here, we notice person remains same but clicks on the camera is not just a once, but for a several times to take his / her photo. Suppose, if photographer clicks on the camera infinite times then we will have an infinite images of a person and there is no doubt this is an onus of photographer but for a person this is his / her “self-identity” that remains same even photographer stops to click on the button of camera then there would not a different images, but it remains the same. 
However, here my intention is explicitly to define a concept of “Quantum Infinity”because, “Quantum Infinity” adhere the same “Self Identical Image” and there is no doubt, if we will adhering along with the same “Self Image”. No matter, whether you die or not universe is everywhere and hence our thoughts become our reality (yet depends on dimensions) but now, we are sure this kind of thought really exist even with non-physical worlds.
In my next chapter, I will discuss on “Different kind of quantum universes where consciousness remains the same but how? definitely in my next post. Hope you enjoy this post. Thanks!
Image Source: Google Images 


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