# What if space exists without creator and what if mathematics even failed to give a chance for its existence? # Is space only a entity or just a stuff for other matters like universe, galaxies, planets, stars, asteroids, meteorites, and many other things into space? # Is space came into its existence without any creator and also without any cause? # If there is no cause for dark space then God even is in uncertainty to find the real truth behind dark space? # How one imagines space without any cause as there are lots of stuff inside it? # Then there is another possibility for space existence and that is “Probability” where there are lots of chances for space to exist but probability even cannot solve the problem of its existence why, why, why, why, why, why, why space needs existence even if it confirms its uncertain existence. # Space still is a mystery because no one knows, is space a creation or space is a existence what differs the most is t...