
"In this chapter-VI, there is a conversation between Travin Kel and Chief Kenin Banique and they want a help from Prof. Mores to solve this matter."
Travin Kel: Yes, I will try to contact him. He uses his mind’s power to communicate with Prof. Mores as this power is a gift of Prof. Mores to everyone. In this power one can communicate with the help of his / her where his deactivated neurons suddenly get active with the help of small energy fields that are inside the nano wire and this wire is connected with the brain’s cerebrum and enormous energy is flowing through this wire and activate every neurons but this energy is in quanta not in a full energy wave so as to destroy one’s mind. It takes little time but communicate easily with other persons without using any technological equipment. It is designed in that manner that one can use this nano wire forever and this nano wire is connected with source of energy that is coming from the large chambers where conservation of energy dominates and hence every wire is connected with this chamber. 

If one destroy this chamber even one can associate with his enormous energy so as to travel in time but not sure whether in past or in future. This chamber is connected with the larger tube and this tube is surrounded with anti-matter technology so as to slow down the ticking of time and gains maximum energy without violating conservation energy. 

 This energy is nothing but a dark energy into the entire space. It is fortunate for Prof. Mores as “Dark Energy” never stop the process of anti-gravity’s technology that is used in anti-matter technology process. Finally he succeeds to communicate with Prof. Mores and tell about this matter and wants a immediate help. 

Mores: replies I know about this unknown thing and I am sure I can restrict this thing whether this thing is. 

Travin Kel: Honor sir, I am grateful to your reply and my entire team is grateful for your immediate action. 

Mores: Let’s have a mission to understand this thing. 
(Continue in Chapter-VI)


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