
In this chapter, Scarlett. J upsets clearly manifests and Prof. Mores arrive with his another old or better to say college friend." 

Scarlett. J is trying to contact Prof. Mores but unable to connect with him as he do not receive her call. She again and again try her best to contact Prof. Mores but unable to connect with him. This moment is not good for her as she upsets with this response. She returns back to her home and thinks about her scarification towards planet earth. 
On the other hand, Prof. Mores reach the Chiefs Headquarter. 

Kenin Banique: Welcome Prof. Mores in our secret place again. 

Prof. Mores: You are welcome “Kenin”. So, once again we meet Kenin. But this time circumstances are different as we met in our college days. 
Kenin Banique: I remember those days and your secret time machine and also my passion for serving this entire world. 

Prof. Mores: So, you will say me by my college name or by Prof. Mores. 

Kenin Banique: You are Professor now and this will be better I say you Prof. Mores instead of your college name “Trass”. You are my friend and now you are professor. I respect you and entire world respects your research. 

Prof. Mores : Thanks Kenin. So, let’s start with the today’s most terrible discussion. 
Kenin Banique: As you know Prof. Mores our headquarters are not any organization for government or work with any organization in the world as we work independently. Our work is entirely based on asteroids and some other kind of space activity that may harm the earth’s atmosphere. But this time it is not as much as we take it easy. That thing is different and terrible and may be destroy the entire world. 
(Continue in Chapter-X)


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