Wormholes first proposed by Ludwig (Mathematician in 1916). Wormholes are sometimes called Einstein-Rosen Bridge. It gives us a great journey into the world of time. Wormholes are responsible to make travel anyone into another universe. But the truth is that our universe is in the centre of all the universes (concept of multi-verse- infinite universe). As Ptolemy (C.AD 100-C.170) said that our universe is in the centre of the universe. But we did not notice that. For example when we see a cluster of stars which are present in our universe as the collection of these stars are very large you notice that it is not possible to judge which star has their centre which means when you select one star as your choice you would not able to find that star you choose is in the centre of these clusters of stars or not. 
However we are talking about wormholes. Which have same concept as mention above and have relation with this concept in which each star represents a universe?
In these wormholes when we talk about two ends say A and B that point there does not exists any effect of gravity. These are under the effect of gravity which lies in between these two points A and B as we say or study in Black Holes. Same is in the case when we travel FTL (faster than Light). 

Schwarzschild Wormholes: This is based on Einstein-Rosen Bridge as there are two different universes connected with a bridge. Suppose one observer is at the right universe (A) and another is in left universe (B) then A one is to crossed to this bridge as to enter into another universe where observer (B) is situated. But this is not possible as observer (A) cannot cross to other universe as bridge act as a black hole as one cannot cross this as he will be into the dark side of black hole. This universe is connected with some kind of bridges known as wormholes, is this true? How we can imagine the possible bridges between two universes as these universes are unknown with each other. As this is not for beings like us which means for macroscopic world but this is for microscopic world. 
Note: (But according to the Schwarzschild wormholes this is not traversable but this can later be inspired by Kip throne that traversable wormholes contain a negative mass energy).
Also Lorentz traversable Wormholes said that it would be to travel from both the directions of the universe to the same universe and also travel from one to another universe. The Traversable Wormholes are in General Relativity and then first explain in 1973 by “Homer Ellis”. 
There occurs another type of wormholes known as “Traversable wormholes” which have negative mass which Physicists say these violate the laws of Physics. In 1935 Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and Nathan Rosen through General Relativity explained the existence of these wormholes not the traversable wormholes which were discovered by the Physicist Kip Throne and a young graduated student Mike Morris. Physicists Wheeler terms the coined wormholes in 1957. Once you can talk about wormholes then there are more chances of many worlds. Many worlds refer to multiple universes. Kip Throne in his book “Black Holes and Time Wraps” where there is a time warp concept which describe that region in space where one can put a spaceship and then there is nothing to do this space ship as it can possibly move from one region to another. In General Relativity, wormholes exists and can change the speed of time. Even wormholes can be described as time travelling machine. As it can travel us from one universe to another, is it? Universe cannot blame wormholes to enter his submission so as to presence its existence. 

1) Wormholes first proposed by Ludwig Flamm (Austrian Physicist in 1916). 

2) The idea had been theorised in 1921, by German mathematician Hermann Weyl. 
There exists extreme gravitational pull from these wormholes that is traversable wormholes which can have negative mass and energy. As body or matter experiences negative mass and have negative energy. 

All concepts regarding to these wormholes are chaos for everyone. Some believe this is hypothetical and some believe this exists in real. Wormholes can be understood with Albert Einstein’s Field Equation. But a question arises is there any need of these wormholes as these are the short method to enter into another space –time. However, is God is in eternal bliss to create these wormholes or it is just a creativity of this universe. For present we are not sure but in future we are able to solve this problem regarding wormholes as these were the bullock-carts in our past time. 


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