Sometimes clouds are not happy and sometimes they found themselves in a world of hatred. But what kind of world they live into. This world is without any feelings and this world has nothing to do with innocent clouds whether they weep or hurt by someone every time. According to clouds the world is their creator and illusion of sky represents the home for these clouds. 

But why these clouds always weep even when they are in bliss. Is there anyone to distract the clouds mind? Where, they found themselves in a world of hatred and illusion. How the responsibility of this world ends with apocalypse of these clouds? These clouds represent the power of enlightenment and also a hope for everyone to showers his blessings without any hatred. 

When these clouds shower their blessings they do not care for any individual person but for all beings including non-living and living beings. Sun’s light also support the showers of these clouds what they produce. Their precious drops combine with the sun’s light to give all of us a different kind of hope without any restriction and then producing a different kind of droplets that is unique and creative.

Something is very surprising that is why sun’s light and these clouds combine to form an elegant creation even these both are in a world of hatred world. 


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