When we think about time travelling we think what if we travel with speed of light not exactly but nearly of its velocity. The speed of light in vacuum is 3x108 m/s which are 299,792,458 kilometers per second and is universal physical constant. In Special Relativity, c is the speed of light which is use for velocity of light and mentions all the matter and hence information in universe travels at this speed of light. The concept of “Theory of Light” was first proposed by Empedocles and he claimed that speed of light is fixed. 
In “Theory of Relativity”, c represents the space time, which is known as “Mass-Energy Equivalence” (E=mc2). James Clerk Maxwell well known physicist said light was an electromagnetic waves and can travel “c” with his theory of electromagnetism. However, we cannot travel with speed of light because we have not such kind of space craft or we are not even so small (similar like a particles) which can help us to travel through wormholes. First one, which is about space craft cannot helps us especially today’s space craft technology. Suppose if we made such a space craft which can help us to travel nearly speed of light has a major problem. Reason is when we travel with speed of light
(nearly) we need large amount of energy to propel our space craft and if we want to travel with speed of light (exactly) we need “infinite” amount of energy which is not possible. And according to “Theory of Relativity”, one cannot travel with speed of light because when he/she is in his/her space craft, space craft travels with speed of light then person sitting inside this space craft will face a big problem as his/her mass increases almost infinite as speed becomes more and more and then required a infinite amount of energy to propel his/her space craft which is impossible. Other case also affects the time travelling when we are travel with extremely higher velocity times for us to be slow as we increases our speed more and more time slows down and is known as “time dilation” and we can experience in our life. This effect is also known as “Lorentz Transformation” that is del t'=γdel t and converse is del t=γdel t'.
Note: Time dilation’s case, stationary objects cannot realize slower time effect rather than the objects in fast travelling vehicles or any other sources.
Yes, only mass less particles can travel with speed of light those are photons, neutrino and other mass less particles.
But in Cern (European Organization for Nuclear Research) experiment humans can accelerate protons and neutrons almost to speed of light (99.9%) in Large Hadrons Collider (LHC).However, one cannot crosses the barrier of light, said by Michio Kaku physicist. But can solve this puzzle with Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity and warping of space time. For such kind of wormholes we expect the time travelling portals, this only helps humans to understand next door not a “Giant Empty Room”. 


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