This article is based on how Extraterrestrial beings are working with the United States of America’s government and they are working under the secret agencies and are working in a base where no one has trespassing their limitations. They are working with the top most nuclear physicist in this world.  Extraterrestrial beings share their technology with world. Even they abduct the humans as well as beasts.

They know how to abduct the humans mind as well as mind of beasts. This base is under the secret agencies and they are working under these agencies. This base was started in 1979. When Benenwitz claimed that he had a communication from alien spacecraft and he believed that he discovered a base. Ufologist John Lear also claimed that he confirmed the existence of base.

Into this base there are many compartments into this base which is said to be seven compartments or say levels. Paul Schneider an engineer was working into this base as he said that he had a direct contact with 7 feet tall grey aliens, as at that time when “fight between Humans and the aliens” were taken place into this base, Paul had a direct contact with these beings in this battle and he killed two of them with his gun and others are killed with plasma laser beam and 60 humans were also shot dead. Thomas Callesto former security officer at Dulce Base said that into this base there are humans and reptilians aliens are working and abduct humans and humans are hang within the bubble like shape and suspended into it.There exists seven levels in every levels there are different tasks into these levels.Paul Schneider was forced by government not to said anything to public. But he did it and has a press conference where he said everything related to Dulce Base. Later he died as some believed he commits suicide but some said this was a well planned by some secret agencies.

However, what if they change the entire world with their powers and advanced technology? Are they develop human’s DNA or are creating a new kind of hybrids? Are they threat for whole humanity and nature or are friendly nature and share technologies with everyone? But one thing is sure if they are working in this present world then they will come out from this base and change the history of entire world.


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