Dark Matter is the hypothetical substance but cannot be detecting by telescope. Its presence can only be detected from its gravitational effect. It covers 27 % matter of our universe. It can hold the galaxies which can quickly apart from each other; the reason is these galaxies which are rotating too fast, even gravity cannot hold these galaxies. But these exists certain type of energy which holds all these galaxies together like a (functioning of glue). 

(NOTE): Dark matter is estimated to contribute 84.54% of total energy of our universe.
 From the concept of dark matter we conclude that this matter is dark means it is invisible matter. 

(REMEMBER): The Hubble Space Telescope shows a ring of dark matter in the galaxy cluster CL0024+17. 

The fact is that if we add all the stars, planets, gas clouds and other celestial objects, the galaxies still fall short in the gravitational field. Dark matter was first postulated by Jan Oort in 1932, there was insufficient evidence, to represent the orbital velocities of stars in the Milky Way. Fritz Zwicky was the first to use the virial theorem to infer the existence of unseen matter. The first hypothesis to postulate “Dark Matter” based upon evidence was given by Vera Rubin and Kent Ford in the 1960-1970 using the galaxy rotation curves. 

(AMAZING FACT): Cosmologist says that dark matter is composed with unknown subatomic particle which is yet to be unsolved. 

(REMEMBER): Virial theorem provides a general equation that relates the average over time of the total kinetic energy of a stable system consisting of N particles, bound by potential forces with that of potential energy.

1. Quantum gravity era: (yet to be unsolved)
2. Inflation era (energies of various types as we know at present)
3. Proton and neutron formed
4. Nuclei are formed at t=3 minutes.
(REMEMBER): Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropic Probe: In first release of WMAP (February 2003), only the data are analysis and form the first year of operations it receives more information. It is designed to determine the geometry and evolution of the universe. 

(NOTE): There are nine years of spacecraft which were to be used to determine the dark energy. 

From all these we sat that there exists various types of energies which are present in our universe at the time of Big Bang. We know that energy dark energy which we say this can accelerate the universe expansion. But there exists various kinds of energies which can work in a different manner.

It is very curious to think how universe started from a Big Bang (or physicists say from singularity) and expanding till now. From a single point to an infinite or finite journey it’s amazing to know. 

(AMAZING FACT): If we consider a one point. We draw it on the paper someone says that this point is drawn by this person (say). He further says to another person and this chain continues. Exactly the same case when we think that who create or start this Big Bang we say “God”. But one says who was at the time of creation of space-time where “God” exists, we are in trouble. 


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