
Unique Creativity


Where is theory of everything?

We all know, we are looking for a ultimate theory of everything that will assist us to solve one of the deepest mystery in nature, why universe exists?  Even this is not sufficient we are looking for a weird space that has no verges and hence there is no proper cognition for this absurd space. Now, what’s our motive? Are we becoming more and more lazy to think about why our existence is so indispensable in nature or becoming a part of unusual nature who never asks this kind of question to us?  However, above mentioned questions are not pragmatic as these are theoretical questions only written on white paper without knowing few words why, what, where, how etc. Some of us only has little curiosity on nature’s dice but our society never let us to think why we exist and what is our importance? Even cause is important for us or just traveling on a shattered spherical door. Well, these concepts are generally dwells into philosophy where one can’t agree with such theoretical questions but

Individual Space


Reality of Mystical Force

"Reality is that extent where everything seems to be nothing".

Philosophy of Nothing

Sometimes we are scoff ourselves why we can’t do what we want to do such as our passion, determination, curiosity and many other things that associated with our life are gone to be shattered and then we will left with some comport environment where there is nothing to be serve even our thoughts also.  We all want to be a competitor in ourselves and do our best to give a comprehend and accomplish theory that always dwells into some real facts, may be not real but touches its approximity.  We all know our limitation stops where there exists nothing and our philosophy never wants to break this extent so as to find some mystical. We see what we want to observe if not, then our relativity finds itself in an absurd world and would flaw itself why there is fussy theory?  In other words, philosophy of space is exactly same as philosophy of nothing because nothing itself is a “Self” and “Self” never rely on itself, then question arises from where nothing came from and why? Answer to this

Matrix Dimensions

Are dimensions only a part of universe of these are also associated with dark space? Is this an uncertainty or just an illusion? But somewhere we are wrong because we cannot define the exact meaning of dimension as we believe dimensions are the basic building block for universe and hence we analysis these with respect to length, width, breadth and time. But there are infinite dimensions only need is to have a “disordered state” that kind of state is not visible to us but still exists. In fact there are lots of multiple dimensions but these are not in a symmetrical form. Can we consider these dimensions to be unsymmetrical? These dimensions are not in a symmetric way as there are various kinds of medium that are associated with these dimension and from where light particles travel and hence consider a “universal speed”. However, in matrix dimension there are various mediums but has probabilities that creates another new probability. That kind of probability is different than the ch

Weird Space
